An answer to a prayer: Wiesbaden testimony

This blog entry comes from the leader of the intervention team in Wiesbaden, Germany, who found answer to prayer hidden within another answer to prayer! 

She writes: 

I am not a leader by nature, but God is teaching me that as long as I am lead by His Spirit people will follow.

In September, 2018  I introduced Kainos to the church in Wiesbaden. God had laid several people on my heart that I was sure would express interest in being on the Intervention team. One in particular is a Hungarian woman who I knew would be perfect. As people began to express their interest, my Hungarian friend was stand-offish so I did not push. 

I went through months of research, prayer, prayer walking with others, interviews and training. As everything came together I began to get nervous because God had not given me peace about a location to enter. One name did stand out in my head, Lollipop Girls, we had prayer walked around it three times but something was still off and I couldn't figure out what it was. So I searched for Lollipop Girls again on the Internet. And guess what? The address did not match the location we had been praying around. I went to find this new location, prayed and found peace about where we should go. As our Ministry is based on prayer and our relationship with Christ we had the entire church as well as men from a men's retreat and many others praying for this Intervention as the time drew near. For our first visit we had people committing to walk out of meetings, classrooms, stop lunch and more in order to pray at the exact time that we would be entering the brothel.

The gatekeeper all but hugged us as she non-hesitantly welcomed our team in. Praise God!
Later that evening I sent a Praise Report out to our supporters including my Hungarian friend. In this report it stated that all but one of the women at this location were Hungarian. God knew this would be the turning point for my friend to put aside her feelings of uncertainty and join our team.

It is so amazing to see how God uses all the uncertainties to guide us in the exact direction He would have us go.


Keep Chompin'!


First Night-Time Outreach