
Freedom and New Life for victims of trafficking and sexual exploitation.

150,000 people in Germany are currently living in forced prostitution and sexual exploitation. At Kainos e.V., we’re working to make that number zero.

 Kainos e.V. is a non-profit association that works to fight human trafficking and sexual exploitation in prostitution.

Our Christian faith is central to everything we do. Our organization was built to share the love and freedom of Christ with our community.

Latest Updates:


We´re hiring.

We are looking for a part-time book keeper (approx. 15 hours/week) to start as soon as possible.

If you want to enrich our team, send your application to kainosboard@kainos-ev.com

Newsletter in German.

From now on you can read our newsletter in German, too!

Have you subscribed yet?

New Impact Report.

Read this to get to know more about our current work and the impact we could make in the life of so many women.


Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!

— 2 Corinthians 5:17

What We Do

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Your Donation can Change a Life.

With your support, we can bring hope and true freedom into a world of hopelessness.